Sunday, May 29, 2011

I'll Always Come Back

Give me a long enough time line and I'll be back.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009


welcome to my forehead

oh, and my ears, too.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sad Bros

dash snow died.

i saw one of his "sacer" tags in brook-brook last week and thought it said "fart". i'm real sorry about that.

anyhow, nyc is the one place where it's not a fool's errand to care about graffiti.

It's Cool, This Is All For Me

oh how great. someone find me all the straight arrows songs now.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Why Don't I Place This On Your Table?

i'm terrified by roaches. usually.

this one? i think i love him.

also, on the topic of amazing commercials...

...i love this lady. "it stinks."

also, here's something that happened.

i received a friend reqy on fb from "an organization" that has completely blown off and ignored my band.

and that's in light of a promise that "a representative" made that if we did a favor for them, they would do a favor for us.

they never returned said favor and ignored all emails we sent them.


so, in that spirit i wanted to "ignore them back".

j-man says that's a bad idea. maybe they want to do something for us.

i said, i doubt it, i think they just want to send me event noties.

what's the first thing they do when we become friends.

send me a fucking bullshit spam about some shit show.


and here's a bullshit spam about some show from me:

guitars record release at cactus JULY 25 5pm. please do come.

there will be free beer.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Things To Which I'm Better Suited

this is a story about the white castle drive-thru in brooklyn. stef used to live right by it. i would totally eat there right now...and white castle is teh gross.

woods are playing august 21st in austin and the 22nd in dallas. who wants to go with me? they're not coming here.

i am way too into bones lately. should i be ashamed?

so this probably would have been more relevant yesterday but here it is.

and yeah, this would have been more relevant last weekend. oops. here it is all the same.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Super Times

i miss brooklyn.

get it?