Monday, July 13, 2009

Why Don't I Place This On Your Table?

i'm terrified by roaches. usually.

this one? i think i love him.

also, on the topic of amazing commercials...

...i love this lady. "it stinks."

also, here's something that happened.

i received a friend reqy on fb from "an organization" that has completely blown off and ignored my band.

and that's in light of a promise that "a representative" made that if we did a favor for them, they would do a favor for us.

they never returned said favor and ignored all emails we sent them.


so, in that spirit i wanted to "ignore them back".

j-man says that's a bad idea. maybe they want to do something for us.

i said, i doubt it, i think they just want to send me event noties.

what's the first thing they do when we become friends.

send me a fucking bullshit spam about some shit show.


and here's a bullshit spam about some show from me:

guitars record release at cactus JULY 25 5pm. please do come.

there will be free beer.

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