Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day One Time

we woke up at 3am. it was totally worth it.

we stayed the first night in a hotel and watched ghostbusters (kind of...well just part of it).

we ate delicious tacos at this stand.

we learned which trains to take.

hello houston.

but seriously, there were some things we missed.

but we had 2-for-1 beers to make us feel better.

inspired by hobo fashion, jd gave us some subway nip.

then we had the best practice EVER in our hotel room.

and now i'm starving

but if you're in brooklyn, or care about someone in brooklyn, here's the flyer for our show tonight.


  1. awesome!
    is jake wearing skinny pants?
    not awesome.

    hello from houston.

  2. Skinny pants are awesome! is Stacey drinking on the platforms in subway stations?
