Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I'm sittin here writin a song about baby'z mothers who try to sue the daddies for child support.

great. so now we're back home. super. here's a round up of all the things we will miss for the next 4 months (someone fly us back out sooner to change that).

i'll definitely miss massimo. "this song is about fucking boys"

love or perish was so so so so good that night.

i don't know which is better drunk jake or sober jake.

drunk jake is pretty magic.


that merch table needs a lick.

i'm a fan of when the band moves to the floor.

stef thought i was being racist when i told her his name was "yellow". it's not my fault. now saying "automobile!?" on the subway with an accent every ten seconds, that was a little racist.

we had to take refuge in a supermarket parking lot after carrying our gear across williamsburg.

my case is the narrowest and i was drenched all but for a violin shaped patch in the middle.

stacy got a new dress.

jonny got a new shirt.

googly eye cru was up in.

caracas has the nicest back patio.

and a killer salad.

our first night there, this was outside our hotel room window. there is in fact a butt on this sign.

our last night there we stayed on the 666th floor.

jake loves rap music.

and rhcp.

and here's some choice inside jokes:

"even though daddy is takin care of the baby but the mother's just, you know, scandalous"
-and the variations:
"even though winona's got the money, she just, you know, needs the thrill"
"even though guitars is taking care of the houston, it's just, you know, lame"
"even though jonny's taking care of the bunny, cottontail just, you know, runs away"
...there were tons more...



"sub nip"

"nips & sips"



"rip it!"

...saying anything in the voice of the two twins from superjail...

calling stef "stefanie" (weird)

shanking with imaginary shivs

drive-by farting (this is done with the mouth from a moving car, don't be crass)

jake drinking from the beer trough and yelling "fuck you" at some guys in the worst part of dc.

jake being wasted and "straight babin'" in the back with april and stacey. "babes!!!!!!!!!!!"

"you can't say fuck you to people" "fuck you!"

"i'd like to stephanie see-less of her"

"hey, you're gettin' a phone call, wonder who it could be? oh noooooooo!" (in the voice of bruce from family guy)

"yay! mayor bee! mayor bee!"



"paging steve albini, the pro tools is on the floor"

good god, there were so many more and i don't want to forget them.

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